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How to refill a disposable vape?

Disposable vapes are a popular and convenient option for people who want to enjoy vaping without having to worry about charging their device or replacing parts. However, some people may prefer to refill their disposable vapes to save money and reduce waste. In this article, we will explore how to refill a disposable vape safely and effectively.

Before we begin, it is important to note that not all disposable vapes are refillable. Some disposable vapes are designed to be used once and then thrown away. It is crucial to check the packaging or the manufacturer’s website to determine whether your disposable vape is refillable or not.

  1. Gather Supplies

To refill a disposable vape, you will need a few supplies:

  • E-liquid: You will need to purchase e-liquid that is compatible with your disposable vape. Make sure to choose a high-quality e-liquid from a reputable brand to ensure a satisfying vaping experience.
  • Needle-nose bottle: This type of bottle will allow you to fill the disposable vape without spilling the e-liquid.
  • Small screwdriver or paperclip: This tool will be used to open the mouthpiece of the disposable vape.
  1. Remove the Mouthpiece

To refill the disposable vape, you will need to remove the mouthpiece. This can be done by inserting a small screwdriver or paperclip into the small hole on the mouthpiece and gently prying it off. Be careful not to damage the mouthpiece or the disposable vape when doing this.

  1. Fill the Disposable Vape

Once you have removed the mouthpiece, you can begin filling the disposable vape with e-liquid. Use the needle-nose bottle to slowly drip the e-liquid into the tank of the disposable vape. Be careful not to overfill the tank, as this can cause leaking and other issues. A good rule of thumb is to fill the tank up to three-quarters of the way.

  1. Replace the Mouthpiece

After you have filled the disposable vape with e-liquid, you can replace the mouthpiece. Gently push the mouthpiece back into place until it clicks or snaps into place.

  1. Allow the E-Liquid to Soak

Before using the disposable vape, it is important to allow the e-liquid to soak into the wick and coil. This can be done by letting the disposable vape sit for a few minutes after refilling it. This will help to ensure that the wick is fully saturated and prevent a burnt taste.

  1. Prime the Coil

To further ensure that the coil is fully saturated, you can prime it by taking a few quick puffs on the disposable vape without actually inhaling the vapor. This will help to pull the e-liquid into the coil and ensure that it is fully saturated.

  1. Use the Disposable Vape

Once the e-liquid has had time to soak in and the coil is primed, you can begin using the disposable vape as normal. It is important to note that the flavor and vapor production may be slightly different from the original e-liquid that came with the disposable vape.


Refilling a disposable vape can be a great way to save money and reduce waste. However, it is important to ensure that your disposable vape is refillable and that you have the proper supplies and tools to safely and effectively refill it. Always use a high-quality e-liquid and be careful not to overfill the tank or damage the device when refilling it. By following these steps, you can enjoy a satisfying vaping experience while also reducing your impact on the environment.

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